SESIOP is the first EDF (European Defence Fund, Work Program 2022, GAP-101121440) project addressing civil-military and military-military interoperability in the context of the SES (Single European Sky) regulation and the ensuing improvements in the civil domain.
The main objective of the SESIOP project is to study and provide a technical solution for information and data exchanges between cross-border military C2 (Command & Control) systems and cooperating civil-military ATC (Air Traffic Control) systems. The approach mainly consists of a paper study, aiming to analyze the feasibility of the proposed concept via four main steps:
- Deep analysis of the current “as is” situation including workshops with national MoDs (Ministries of Defense)/Air Forces.
- Definition of Interoperability Interface Requirements for Military and Civil Centers.
- Design of an efficient and exhaustive Architectural Interface Model.
- Partial test for risk reduction that will allow assessing feasibility of the architectural interoperability model and its selected parameters.
The SESIOP project consortium is: 7 large companies (Airbus SAS, Airbus GmbH, Indra, Leonardo, Thales FR, Thales Hellas, EDISOFT), 2 mid-caps (ERA, ElsisPro), 7 small-/medium-sized enterprises (Arbit, 42Solutions, Enersec, DeepBlue, LuxTrust, TeleplanGlobe, SpikaTech), 1 research institute (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), 3 Academia (Hellenic Air Force Academy, Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, Aarlborg University). The 20 partners of the consortium come from 14 European Member States and Norway. The Greek partners are HAFA and Thales Hellas, while the Coordinator is Airbus DS SAS.
HAFA’s Involvement Dec 2023 – Aug 2024
The members of HAFA’s research group are involved in the following tasks:
- Assisting in capturing the operational needs and requirements in collaboration with THALES Hellas, HAFGS and HCAA.
- Contribution to the definition of the relevant use cases in collaboration with THALES Hellas, HAFGS and HCAA.
- Contribution to the Deliverable 2.1 “Customer Needs Analysis Document” and Deliverable 2.2 “Use-Case Description”.
- Contribution to the investigation, specification, and assessment of certain security aspects in the field of civil-military and military-military information exchange.
Short Name: SESIOP
Title: Single European Sky InterOPerability
Duration: 24 Months
Type: EDF Research Actions / EDF-2022-RA-C4ISR-AIRC2
Project Start Day: 1 December 2023
Project Coordinator: Airbus Defense & Space SAS, France
Project Factsheet:
Budget: ~19M€
Scientific Director of HAFA’s SESIOP Project Team
Assis. Prof. Panagiotis Papakanellos
SESIOP Work Package #1 Kick of Meeting [Airbus DS SAS, Paris, France]
The kick-off meeting of Work Package #1 (Project Management) of the SESIOP project was organized by Airbus DS and took place on 14th December 2023 in Elancourt, France.
SESIOP Work Package #2 Kick of Meeting [Airbus DS SAS, Paris, France]
The kick-off meeting of Work Package #2 (Operational Needs) of the SESIOP project was organized by Airbus DS and took place on 15th January 2024 in Elancourt, France.
SESIOP Work Package #2 Workshop [HAFA, Athens, Greece]
As part of the Work Package #2 (Operational Needs) of the SESIOP project regarding the definition of needs and interoperability requirements of air-traffic control/management systems/processes, a full-day workshop was conducted at HAFA’s premises on April 23, 2024, with the participation of Officers from the Hellenic Air Force General Staff (HAFGS), representatives from the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA), as well as the members of the Project Team of Hellenic Air Force Academy (HAFA) and Thales Hellas.
SESIOP Work Package #3 Kick of Meeting [Leonardo, Rome, Italy]
The kick-off meeting of Work Package #3 (Interoperability Requirements) of the SESIOP project was organized by Leonardo and took place on 14-15 May 2024 in Rome, Italy.
SESIOP Work Packages #2 and #3 Workshop [Thales Hellas, Athens, Greece]
On September 11-13, 2024, a meeting was held in Athens, organized by Thales Hellas, where the deliverable documents for the Work Package #2 and the progress of the tasks for Work Package #3 were thoroughly discussed.
Promotion of project on the LinkedIn page
HAFA SESIOP Project Team
Assistant Professor
Division of Electronics, Electric Power, Telecommunications
Assistant Professor
Division of Informatics and Computers
Assistant Professor
Division of Informatics and Computers
Laboratory Personnel
Division of Electronics, Electric Power, Telecommunications
Laboratory Personnel
Division of Thermodynamics, Propulsion and Power Systems
Deputy Manager of Postgraduate studies and Research Department
Georgios KLADIS
Teaching Personnel under Contractual Status
Division of Automatic Control, Aerospace Technology, Defense Systems and Operations