The HAFA possesses a library serving as a centre for collection, safekeeping, classification, availability and supply of accumulated knowledge so as to support and advance all academic research and educational activities. This accumulated knowledge is recorded in books, journals, maps, newspapers, manuscripts, microfilms, and electronic and audio visual material.
The 3-member Library Committee is established by the Educational Council following the Dean’s proposal. It is chaired by the most senior member, who must be a member of the tenured Teaching and Research Personnel. The responsibilities of the Library Committee are the short- and long-term planning of updating, improving and upgrading the library services; submitting proposals to the Educational Council towards this end; identifying the library needs concerning HAFA’s educational and research demands; drafting the library budget and submitting it to the Educational Council; compiling the annual review of library activities and submitting it to the Educational Council; and securing a constant flow of information on library activities to teaching staff and cadets.
All HAFA staff, military and civil, Teaching and Research Personnel, Special and Laboratory Teaching Personnel are eligible for using and borrowing library material. External scholars may also make use of the library, but a committee permission is required.
The Library Rules of Procedure are established by the Library Committee and approved by the Educational Council. They regulate the cooperation with domestic and foreign academic and research libraries; digital organisation and internet access; needs specification, ordering and supply of materials; working hours and reading room regulations; use of materials; filing; lending; copyright. The Library Rules of Procedure can be amended by the Library Committee and must be approved by the Educational Council.
The HAFA Library is administratively attached to the Deputy Commander and is staffed by both military and civilian personnel. Issues pertaining to the Library are described in article 18 of the HAFA Regulation.