ANAPHI – PROMO aims to develop the mathematical and physical models that will lead to the implementation of fibre-optic and photonic integrated platforms for analog photonic information processing modules. In particular, the project focuses on photonic delay lines and tunable bandwidth optical filters for applications in microwave signal processing. The many advantages of optics/photonics compared to electronics give the potential to realize solutions that offer low loss, high bandwidth modules with immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI), potential for parallel processing (e.g., through wavelength division multiplexing or spatial multiplexing), which greatly increase the channel count and the available system functionality. Microwave photonics finds applications in phased array antenna beam-steering, microwave filters and microwave oscillators.
ANAPHI – PROMO is a 4-year project that fosters to enhance research collaboration with the host institution and other European institutions, as well as US-based institutions, through the PIs network of scientific contacts and current collaborators. The project also aims to form a collaborative scientific team working across the boundaries of optics, photonics, microelectronics and microwave technologies. The project was launched in July 2014 and is co-funded by the European Commission through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Marie Curie Action – Career Integration Grants (CIG), FP7-MC-CIG 333829.
Short Name: ANAPHI – PROMO
Title: Analog Photonic Information Processing Modules
Duration: 4 years
Start date: July 22, 2014
Co-funded by the European Commission through program FP7-MC-CIG 333829
Project Coordinator: HAFA
Principle Investigator
Prof. Nicholas Madamopoulos
CIG Action Objective
The general CIG Action objective is to reinforce the European Research Area (ERA) by encouraging researchers to establish themselves in a Member State or in an associated country, thereby attracting and retaining the best talents in Europe. The action is designed to support researchers in the first steps of their European research career and to attain lasting professional integration in the ERA. By providing researchers with a substantial research budget, the action is intended to improve considerably their prospects for long term integration, thus contributing to the success of their research career.
This action should also allow the transfer of knowledge that the researchers have acquired prior to the Career Integration Grant, as well as to the development of lasting co-operation with the scientific and/or industrial environment of the country from which they have moved. This action has a particular emphasis on countering European ‘brain drain’ to other third countries.
ANAPHI – PROMO at the Workshop on Photonics for 5G
Prof. Madamopoulos participates at the Workshop on Photonics for 5G, organized by the EMPHASIS Research Centre and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cyprus, and under the auspices of the bilateral Cyprus-Israel RADEX project. Wednesday 15th March 2017, University of Cyprus, New Campus.
Presentation: Multifunctional Photonic Signal Processing Platforms for Analog and Digital Communication System
ANAPHI – PROMO at the MC‐IAPP_COMANDER Transfer of Knowledge Session
Prof. Madamopoulos presents ANAPH-PROMO’s results on Multifunctional Photonic Signal Processing Platforms for Analog and Digital Communication Systems at the Transfer of Knowledge Session of the Converged Optical‐Mobile Access Networks with Dynamic and Efficient Resource Allocation (MC‐IAPP_COMANDER), at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (C.I.R.I.) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, March 9, 2017.
ANAPHI – PROMO at the IEEE-International Photonics Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA
Prof. Madamopoulos participates in the IEEE-International Photonics Conference, 2 – 6 October 2016, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA.
Optical Frequency Discriminator with Ultrahigh-Amplitude-and-Phase Linearity for Frequency-Modulated Microwave Photonic Links.
ANAPHI – PROMO at the 1st Greek workshop on: PHOTONICS, Athens, Greece
Prof. Madamopoulos participates in the 1st Greek workshop on: PHOTONICS, May 16-17, 2016.
Fiber-optic Michelson-Gires-Turnois Interferometer based multifunctional optical filter for microwave photonic applications.
ANAPHI – PROPO at IEEE-MWP Conference in Pafos, Cyprus
Prof. Madamopoulos presents paper
Fiber-optic Michelson-Gires-Turnois Interferometer based multifunctional optical filter for microwave photonic applications
at the International Microwave Photonics Conference (MWP15) in Pafos, Cyprus, October 26 – October 29, 2015.
Principle Investigator
Prof. Nicholas Madamopoulos
Tel: +30 210 819 3832
B. Dingel, N. Madamopoulos, A. Prescod, “Adaptive High Linearity Intensity Modulator for Advanced Microwave Photonic Links” Optical Communication Technology, Chapter 5, INTECH, ed. Pedro Pinho, Aug. 9, 2017.
B. Dingel, N. Madamopoulos, “Linearization of photonic components for digital and analog optical fiber communication systems,” Proc. 26th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC 2017), Newark, NJ, April 7-8, 2017.
A. Losada, A. López, X. Jiang, M. A. Losada, J. Mateo, D. Richards, N. Madamopoulos, and N. Antoniades, “Temperature sensitivity of POF links for avionics applications,” 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2017), Girona, Spain, July 2-6, 2017.
B. Dingel, N. Madamopoulos, “Optical frequency discriminator with ultrahigh-amplitude-and-phase linearity for frequency-modulated microwave photonic links,” 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 25-26, 2-6 Oct. 2016.
M. A. Ummy, S. Bikorimana*, N. Madamopoulos, and R. Dorsinville, “Beam Combining of SOA-based Bidirectional Tunable Fiber Nested Ring Lasers with Continuous Tunability over the C-band at Room Temperature,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 34, No. 16, pp. 3703-3710, Aug.15, 15 2016.
S. Bikorimana, M. A. Ummy, N. Madamopoulos, and R. Dorsinville, “Characterization of C-band SOA-based bidirectional tunable fiber laser with two nested fiber ring cavities,” in Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTh2A.189.
N. Pujols*, M. A. Losada, J. Mateo, A. López, D. Richards, N. Madamopoulos, and N. Antoniades, “A POF model for short fiber segments in avionics applications,” 18th International Conference on Transparent optical Networks (ICTON 2016), Tu.P.33, July 10-14, 2016, Trento, Italy.
N. Madamopoulos, “Fiber-optic Michelson-Gires-Turnois Interferometer based multifunctional optical filter for microwave photonic applications,” 1st Greek workshop on: PHOTONICS, May 16-17, 2016.
N. Madamopoulos, “Fiber-Optic Combiner and Delivery Module for Scalable High Brightness Display, Signage and Illumination Systems,” 1st Greek workshop on: PHOTONICS, May 16-17, 2016.
N. Madamopoulos, “Fiber-optic Michelson-Gires-Turnois Interferometer based multifunctional optical filter for microwave photonic applications,” IEEE Microwave Photonics (MWP) 2015, Oct 26-30, 2015, Pafos, Cyprus.
Laboratory space
Room 1: 73 m2
Room 2: 13 m2
Equipment and Components
SHF 4005A 40Gb/s 4:1 Multiplexer
SHF 10410 Signal Splitter
JDSU TB9 Tunable Grating Filter
Anritsu Pattern Generator MP1763B
Newport 8000 Laser Controller with Cards
RF Spectrum analyzer (18 GHz)
Agilent DCA 86100A
Agilent Ethernet Interface N2X, N55551A, N5553A
Agilent Tunable Laser
40 channel Arrayed Waveguide DMUX/MUX, with temperature control
Optical Power Meter
High Output Fiber Amplifier with mid stage access
Mach-Zehnder Modulator (analog modulation)
High power diode laser at visible
Micro-positioner stages
Opto-mechanical mounts
Lenses and optics components for visible
Fifer patch-cords
Hellenic Air Force Academy
Associate Professor
Division of Electronics, Electric Power and Telecommunications
Associate Professor
Division of Electronics, Electric Power and Telecommunications
Optoelectronics, Photonic Crystals, Graphene Devices
Division of Electronics, Electric Power and Telecommunications
RF and Antennas
Division of Electronics, Electric Power and Telecommunications
Division of Electronics, Electric Power and Telecommunications
Signal Processing
Division of Electronics, Electric Power and Telecommunications
Networks, Embedded Systems and FPGA
External Collaborators
Dr. Benjamin Dingel,
Nasfine Photonics, Painted Post, NY, USA
Dr. Stavros Iezekiel
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus
Dr. Sang-Woo Seo
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
The City College of New York
New York, NY, USA
George Charalambous
Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical Univ. of Denmark,
Ørsteds Plads Building 345A, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Prof. Madamopoulos participated in the 1st Greek workshop on: PHOTONICS. He presented his work in the general public. He was also involved with policy and outreach planning activities related to the future of Photonics in Greece that were initiated at the workshop.
Prof. N. Madamopoulos assisted a team of middle school students in the Hellenic World Robot Olympiad (WRO) competition at the Galatsi Olympic Hall, on March 4, 2018.
Prof. Madamopoulos participated in a workshop on Technology Research and Innovation organized by the General Directorate for Defense Investments and Armaments, Ministry of Defense.